Research Methodology – Workshop: Art Therapy Research, Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams

The workshop is a continuation of the course Research Methodology – Lecture II: Art Therapy Research, Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams. Participants are invited to participate in a creative project which offers insight into the diverse opportunities entailed in art making and its contributions to research and academia. No prior experience or knowledge of creative work is required. However, participants must have attended the lecture Research Methodology – Lecture II: Art Therapy Research, Grounded Theory, and Drawn Diagrams.

Research Methodology Workshop

Previous workshop

2014 Grounded Theory: Research in Art Therapy and Drawn Diagrams. Workshop held for art therapy students, University of Hertfordshire, England.


Ottarsdottir, U. 2013 Grunduð kenning og teiknaðar skýringarmyndir. (Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams). In: Sigríður Halldórsdóttir (Ed.), Handbók í aðferðafræði rannsókna (Handbook of Research Methodology) (pp. 361-375). Akureyri: University of Akureyri.

Ottarsdottir, U. 2018 Art therapy to Address Emotional Well-being of Children who have Experienced Stress and/or Trauma. In: A. Zubala & V. Karkou (Eds.), Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression: International Research in the Arts Therapies (pp. 30-47). Oxford: Routledge.